Friday, April 24, 2009

Progressive Links To Labour and the Economy

The following links are to progressive articles you need to read if you want to get a grip on what is happening in the current economic mess we are in, and why some things have become "lightning rod" issues in the main stream media.

Cutting versus Building - Jim Stanford

Don’t Take Away MY Defined Benefit Pension! - Jim Stanford

Corporations blame unions for economic meltdown - Linda McQuaig

Financial elite have no shame - Linda McQuaig

Canada's Vital Auto Industry: Past, Present and Future - James Laxer

Public services a bargain for Canadians: Study - Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Canadians get more public services than they pay for -Melanie Ogilvie and Ish Theilheimer

What the labour movement means to me? - Brandon Fox


This is Privateering - George Lakoff

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