Monday, June 22, 2009

"Remembering fallen mine workers"

Remembering fallen mine workers is the title, (and link), to a story that appeared in Sudbury's Northern Life this weekend. It is the story of a tragic event that took place in 1984 at Falconbridge Limited's No. 5 Shaft a few miles north of Sudbury. Although not personally involved, (I was on the opposite shift at the time), this single event has had a profound and far reaching effect on my working career and the repercussions have been felt throughout the working world. After the rockburst, production at the mine ceased and it was placed on a salvage basis and only the shafts and ore transportation systems were maintained. I continued working at what was known at Falconbridge East End mines for another seven years before moving to the "West End". No one who worked there ever forgot how quickly things can go horribly wrong on the job and just how much diligence is required to keep a workplace, any workplace, safe.

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