Thursday, December 4, 2008

What's Wrong With the Right

Stephen Harper's quest to destroy the opposition and make the Conservative Party the natural governing party of Canada, is wrong on many levels. In pursuit of his goal, he seeks to limit discussion, and dissent in our government. If there is no avenue for differing viewpoints, in government, we are left to assume our society needs no improvement.

We are left to accept the status quo. There is no need for change. His party leaves the impression that the most noble goal of government is the reduction of taxes. There is no need or requirement to improve the general welfare of the people. Minimal efforts in the areas of infrastructure and its maintenance and improvement are laudable goals. Rather than improving the social safety net, for those who find themselves in need, the dismantling of these systems ought to be the goal. Environmental concerns may be swept under the rug of cost control, and business efficiency.

Most of all, he would take away the desire of the people to dream of something better.

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